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planning and development banner proposed at the January 17, 2005 meeting
..amended March 28, 2005

  1. Develop resources.
  2. Assist the Emergency Coordinator in developing the local organization.
  3. Give ARES® Registered Volunteers an opportunity to participate in the administration of the organization.
  4. Develop a pool of experienced ARES® Registered Volunteers from which Assistant Emergency Coordinators may be solicited.


  1. Comprised of 6 to 12 commited ARES® Registered Volunteers
  2. Headed by a chairperson
  3. Meets on a regular basis
  4. Prepares reports for the Emergency Coordinator

Current Operations:

  1. Increase the volunteer roster
  2. Assist Net Manager in developing nets and drills
  3. Assist AEC-Exercises in developing exercises
  4. Develop financial resources
  5. Develop a technical team to install and service equipment at served agencies
  6. Develop a team to train volunteers in emergency communications
  7. Help the EC develop the Operations Manual

Planning & Development meetings are open to the public. The schedule is published on the calendar.

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