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Hospital Amateur Radio Network (HARN)

HARN will provide Amateur Radio Operators to assist hospitals in their communication needs. HARN will provide communication support to enhance hospital preparedness for response to critical incidents in the St. Louis Bi-State region. The Amateur Radio Operators will coordinate with emergency management agencies and other regional first responders to accomplish interoperable communications for hospitals. The hospitals will coordinate drills and exercises among area the hospitals utilizing amateur radio resources. The hospitals will periodically test and exercise their amateur radio equipment located in each facility that has a amateur radio installed.

Contact Information

Please direct all inquiries to Steve Wooten, KC0QMU [email protected] .

HARN application

Consider joining our team of hospital HAM radio operators.  To apply, select from one of the buttons below.  The group meets every 2nd Friday of the month to verify all the equipment is in working order.

Printable paper form

Online application


Do not contact any of the facilities or their personnel on your own. The HARN Emergency Coordinator is the only authorized point of contact .


(Microsoft Word format)

Annual HARN testing schedule (Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

2022 HARN yearly log (Adobe Acrobat PDF format)

A copy of this log should be maintained at each hospital and filled in whenever the radios are tested. Multiple sheets may be used if necessary.

ICS-309 radio test log

HARN committee organization, membership, and governance

Credentialing of amateur radio volunteers

The amateur radio communications equipment and facility

General guidance for amateur radio volunteers that wish to assist hospitals in time of need

Solicitation of radio operators

Testing, activation and database development policies & procedures

List of equipment at hospitals (Excel spreadsheet format)

Equipment Manuals:

H.A.R.N. meeting minutes

Meeting minutes